Knee Injuries

Knee injuries are a common occurrence particularly in athletes.  The knee is most susceptible to twisting or stretching injuries which take the joint through a greater range of motion than it can tolerate.  Ligament stretching or tears are called sprains.  Injuries of the muscles and tendons surrounding the knee are called strains.Sprains and strains of the knee are graded similarly: “first-degree”  means stretching muscle or tendon/ligament  fibres but not tearing them,”second-degree” means  partially tearing the muscle tendon or ligament unit, and “third-degree” means completely tearing the tendon or ligament.

Acute knee injuries fall into two groups; those where there is almost immediate swelling in the joint associated with the inability to bend the knee and bear weight, and those in which there is discomfort and perhaps localized pain to one side of the knee, but with minimal swelling and minimal effects on walking.  If you suspect that you have a knee injury, it is important to consult your doctor immediately.   Repetitive injuries can lead to joint disease if not treated quickly and appropriately and arthritis, in all its forms, is the most common contributing factor to joint disease.

There are several treatments available but not all of them are ideal as they may have side effects.  Visco-supplementation is possibly the safest option available at the moment  and  is the only treatment that can offer up to 6 months of knee pain relief.   See more on Visco-Supplementation.


This page was last modified:
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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