Purpose of Myknee.ie

Purpose of this Website

MyKnee.ie is a new Irish health information website which focuses specifically on the area of Arthritis. The site is written and developed in Ireland for Irish users. It is fully funded and backed by Premier Medical Ltd. It has been developed as a resource to provide information and technical know-how regarding arthritis symptoms and treatments both to the public as well as being a service to health care professionals.

This is a special feature developed with patients in mind. It is an on-line educational resource with graphic explanations of various orthopedic surgeries that will help patients gain knowledge and understanding of what these procedures entail. The website uses three dimensional interactive graphics which make them easy to comprehend.

The site has comprehensive details of Arthritic conditions, as well as resources, tools, direct links to patient information booklets from the Arthritis Foundation US and UK as well as links to other relevant Irish websites such as Government Agencies and other Health sites both Irish and International.

It is designed to be a comprehensive yet easy to use online source of medical and healthcare information on arthritis with up-to-the-minute arthritis news feeds. Given that the number of people with arthritis is rising, particularly osteoarthritis, it is also envisaged that those who do not have problems with their joints at present such as young people who are involved in sport, might learn how to look after their joints better and avoid problems in the future.

This page was last modified:
Saturday, January 18, 2025
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The health information contained in this website provided by Premier Medical is provided for general information and educational purposes only and is not intended to replace advice, discussions, recommendations or treatment from a healthcare provider. Decisions relating to patient care must be made with a healthcare provider.